Open Source Software

Free, Open source software has transformed the world over the past 50 years, enabling any business big or small to push innovation and efficiency throughout the organization.

Jump On The Open Source Technology Bandwagon

Open Source software primarily provides access to the underlying code for auditing and improvement purposes. But more importantly, it is about costless, community-driven collaborative development that enables true innovation. It allows businesses to break free from vendor lock-in and propel to new heights of flexibility, innovation, and long-term success.

Supercharge your business automation & improve with real benefits of open source! 🚀 Embrace cost-effective solutions, endless customization potential & enjoy seamless integrations. #OpenSource #BusinessAutomation #Innovation

Highly Customizable

Open Source software offers unparalleled customization, allowing businesses to tailor digital tools to their unique needs. With access to source code, you can modify solutions to fit specific requirements. 

Lower Cost

Open source software delivers cost-effective solutions in the long term, with its lower initial investment, reduced licensing fees, and elimination of vendor lock-in. 

Flexibility in Integrations

Open source software offers unparalleled flexibility in integrations, allowing seamless connections with a wide array of applications, platforms, and tools.


We have done our research over many years and chose a set of must-have Open Source applications that- we believe – can assist many businesses in building their digital infrastructure and gaining a competitive advantage while keeping a low-budget profile.

Open Source CRM System

CRM - Sales Automation

Covering everything from lead and account management to email communications, support, sales automation and even project management.

Marketing Automation

To build, run and manage automated marketing campaigns and nurturing contacts into qualified leads using lead magnets and drip campaigns.

Email Marketing

For broadcasting of newsletters and EDI campaigns, with a powerful subscriber lists system with self serving, double opt-in and bounce management.

Customer Support

Lightweight and powerful helpdesk system and shared mailbox manager supporting multiple email services, auto-responses and SLAs.

Live Chat

Multi-agent live chat with a ton of features, including departments, AI enabled bots, smartphone apps and lots, lots more.

For details on more solutions we can provide...

The Open-Source world is massive, with potential sollutions for anything you're trying to achieve for your business automation. Reach out to Team ViBuNe to find out how much more you can get whilst saving your budget for real challenges.

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