Vibune announces the big opening of the Vibune community, the virtual business network of the future.

Sydney, Wednesday, December 1, 2021 – ViBuNe announces the official opening of the Vibune community under the URL

The community is a virtual business network designed to support entrepreneurs to learn, build and optimize their digital infrastructure of business growth by using an intelligent and tested framework. The business model has an innovative approach that will change how small and medium businesses operate.

Vibune the business and the social network work hand in hand to bring a next-level digital transformation experience to small and medium enterprises. The business model and concept aim to connect entrepreneurs with professional experts to help them achieve better results. Vibune achieves this by providing a reliable framework, a learning environment, and a community space where business discussion and direct assistance can happen seamlessly and professionally.

The outstanding element that makes a difference in the market is the combination of software automation and expert knowledge put to benefit businesses through a community tool (platform). This approach aims to radically improve how entrepreneurs scale their businesses, regardless of industry.

To make available to as many entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and businesses as possible, the company will soon announce the first crowdfunding round. The aim is to help the further development of the social network and make innovation possible.

“The Vibune Social Network and its concept will assist and help business entrepreneurs implement digital automation into their businesses. The framework was developed over the last five years by a team of talented professionals worldwide and me,” said Cris Iconomu, Vibune business owner and CEO.

The first round of crowdfunding efforts aims to grow the startup and avoid venture capital. This way, the company can keep the business and social network free of interference and as ethical as possible.

To achieve this, Vibune and the team of experts invite everyone to join the community and become part of the change or fund the Kickstarter project to build a better digital future for businesses of all sizes and industries worldwide.

Contact Team ViBuNe if you want to join the network or have questions about crowdfunding.

Join. Learn. Build. Grow. Together!


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